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options broker lugano

Our Team

experience, strong ethics and high motivatION


The RTB SA team are among the most experienced, successful and driven people in the financial markets

RTB SA is always looking for talented and hard working individuals to join our team. The ideal candidates would be experienced, with strong ethics and highly motivated to make their mark in the markets.

Pietro Ugazzi


Pietro began broking Fixed Income products in 1991 with Martin-Bierbaum, Milan. In 1996 he became Managing Director of JTB in Nyon, Switzerland.

Stefano Ecca


Stefano started working as an Assistant Trader in 1991 in an Italian bank. In 1993 he graduated in Economy and Finance before transferring into broking Derivatives in 1994, then quickly became a leading broker in OTC Government Bond options. A move to Switzerland ensued in 1996 to open JTB SA Nyon and follow Fixed Income Derivatives. In 1999 he created RTB SA in Lugano, putting it on the map as one of the top ten grossing derivative brokerage firms in Europe.

Paolo Desole


Paolo graduated in 2002 from Exeter University in Business Management. After finishing an internship in a noted London bank he was hired at RTB in September 2003, and has since joined the Pan European Equity Derivatives team. Recently Paolo has dedicated his energies on Index Derivatives and actively follows the Ftmib and SX5E. When not working you can find PD hitting the golf course, motoring about on his Harley or nibbling at one the many fine 'grottos' Switzerland has to offer.

Luigi Desole


Began his career in the banking sector of Madrid after majoring in business administration from EBS in London.  A quick stopover in Geneva in 1996 led to the development of an Equity Derivatives desk at JTB Nyon. Looking for major capital in London for two years ended with a pitstop for greener pastures in Lugano.

Roberta Mariani


Born and raised in the beautiful lakeside area of Lake Lugano, Roberta has been running the backoffice of RTB since 2001. Her efficient methods and attention to personalized service has helped the company thrive as a boutique brokerage amongst the multitude of large scale houses.
Inter-dealer Broker

Get in touch

Direct contacts
Stefano Ecca
+41 91 910 1356
Paolo Desole
+41 91 910 1390
Luigi Desole
+41 91 910 1370
Roberta Mariani
+41 91 912 3140
Via Cantonale 3
6900 Lugano